Best Putting League ever!

  Want to see the birth of Madhatter Disc Golf?

Thanks to my friend, Mike Finley, who recorded this on his flip phone (9 years ago) — you’re about to see what Wisconsin players do in the middle of winter.

I created the concept of this putting league while watching a highlight video of Pete Maravich!  Maravich was a god with a basketball, light years ahead of his time.


Players got 4 rounds of 4 putts each round to make their best score. Many putting leagues are station putting and you throw the same boring putts all night with few obstacles.  This was super fun and good for working on your putting and throw in shots!  Lots of fun heckling!  What was most Awesome for me was this brought so many groups of players newbies to pros including Terry the Disc Golf Guy Miller!

Each basket had a point value and some weeks we had a negative point basket for slop shooters

Three main shooting zones:
• Single points – Close up
• Double points – Medium range
• Triple points – Across the whole room

Players got to choose the shooting zone and baskets of choice.  One catch, if you made a shot you couldn’t score on that basket again unless you move to different shooting zone.

In addition, shooting zones for specialty putting styles such as side arm, turbo putting or throwing from knees! After each players 4 shots of a round any disc not on the floor or in a basket was consided out of bounds! Each OB resulted in a penalty.

I ran this for two winters until the Bar owner closed shop due to building owner refusing to fix the boiler, it was wild fun Awesome Madness!

Every week we changed the set up, it never got boring.  It was aswsome wathching players develope their stradigy to score each week.  Some went for a high quanity of short putts.  Others went for Triple point difficult shots.  Both methods could score high!  We all had a blast but no doubt I had the most fun!

People talk about this event to this day and I hope to do again when I find the right venue.  I may just suck it up and rent out a fancy place and do it tournament style with higher entry fees!

How to transform a bar into the state’s best putting facility.